Paul Bourne's Articles In Sports & Leisure
July 30, 2005 by Paul Bourne
By Paul Andrew Bourne, MSc. (candidate), BSc. (Hons.) The PNP administration and the governing policymakers are eagerly promoting “performance pay for teachers.” This is rightfully so in an economy with dwindling resources and low productivity. In a global context of high-end competition, the missing element to date in the discourse is “what about those at the helm of the society?” In this nation, many people continue to advocate the fundamental issues of productivity pay incentive sc...
January 19, 2006 by Paul Bourne
Introduction The doctrine of sociology emerged in the nineteenth century from the major discipline of philosophy; is primarily credited to Auguste Comte. Despite Comte’s formulation of the terminology, sociology, and its basic tenets, the subject was also fashioned by Herbert Spencer, Emile Durkheim and Max Weber. Many academia and other pundits have attributed those scholars as pioneer, fathers, of this branch of thought. One contemporary sociologist, Dr. Orville Taylor, who is a se...