Jobless graduants – what are they to do?
Published on January 20, 2006 By Paul Bourne In Politics
By Paul Andrew Bourne

Come August 31 and-or September 1 of each year, many tertiary graduants will add more numbers to Jamaica’s labour supply – (seeking employment). The new recruits will be unsure of any job opportunities. This is because of the government’s policy directive to all public institutions. It is to freeze post for the next two (2) years. Although the quality of our labour supply will improved significantly from the outputs of the various tertiary institutions, many lending organizations chief among them is the Students’ Loan Bureau will be demanding a pound of flesh. The graduates will be asked to repay loans despite not having got a job. Some persons were told the sums payable by the lending agencies. But where are the jobs? This situation is within the context of a shrinking economy and high unemployment. The question of "What are they to do?" is fitting and justifiable at this time.

The PNP administration has been in office for over a decade and so "What are the graduants to do come September 1, 2004?" Many individuals must begin repaying their loan short afterwards, lives must be lived, families will be disappointed and more so graduants will be highly frustrated from the actuality of having pursued further studies without the possibility of jobs.

I am appealing to the intellects of great men who are rulers of this country to institute a plan that will tackle the social reality of joblessness of countless young Jamaicans before any further state of social upheaval be the country’s reality.

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