Published on December 11, 2006 By Paul Bourne In Philosophy
by Paul Andrew Bourne, 2006

Like a seed
I began in the open firmaments of the heavens
battered by the very elements of nature
to make me strong
in a milieu that
oppresses, dictates, and abuses
but I’ll rise –
like a flower, I bloomed with light’s rays
like a flower, I was groomed by years
like a flower, I unfolded with grace
like a flower, I am the living years
but watch and see –
I’ll be your treasure because of these years

I see me with years -
a cistern that absorbs the days
replace them with experiences
a price not paid with a few years
so I murmur not
because of these years
I am these years
but I’ll rise –
like a flower, I bloomed with light’s rays
like a flower, I was groomed by years
like a flower, I unfold with grace
like a flower, I live in years
but watch and see –
I’ll be your treasure because of these years

crafted in hurt, misery and pain
A price I paid for younger to listen and fear
yet they see this not
yet I’m not perturbed because of these years
but I’ll rise –
like a flower I bloom with light’s rays,
like a flower I groomed by years
like a flower I unfold with grace
like a flower I live in years
but watch and see –
I’ll be your treasure because of these years

on Dec 23, 2006
this is striking, thanks for sharing it.

mig xxx